Friday, April 24, 2009

Todd Wainio

Today I interviewed Todd, who was in New York City as a military soldier at the time of it's outbreak. Todd didn't seem to have the best mouth, and kept feeding me information, making him easy to interview. This new name for Zombies came up; Zach and G. These must of been code names for the military when using strategy statistics. This idea of the Zombies being immortal as long as they have a brain appeared in Todd's story. He told me that he would shot G's in the chest, and in a matter of seconds the G would be up and headed for him again. I get this impression from Todd that the military wasn't prepared for the breakout at it's fullest. Could the Zach's been stopped quicker and more efficiently if they would of provided the soldiers with enough ammo? What about if they didn't force the soldiers to wear bullet proof vest and helmets, since the Zombies don't have weapons or guns? You could defiantly see the frustration in Todd's voice and I hope to interview him again.

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