Sunday, April 19, 2009

Brek Scott

I have moved my interviewing to North America, and trying to find the viewpoints of the American people. I interviewed this man named Brek Scott in Alaska. He is the maker of the vaccine used in America called ,"Phalanx," that was suppose to keep the user safe from the African Rabbies. Scott knew that phalanx would not keep the user safe from anything, but he still insisted on selling it, making millions of dollars. I really didn't have a good aditude toward this scam of a person. He blames his unsuccessful drug on the fact he was misinformed about what the problem really was. He said that African Rabbies is what s drug was suppose to be for. I got the impression that this drug, phalanx, was only used to make the people of America feel safe from the zombies. But I wonder if the American people could of been prepared better for the outbreak if they knew that phalanx never worked?

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