Sunday, April 26, 2009

Philip Adler

Last night I interviewed this man, soldier, named Philip who was a very interesting guy. We met by accident in Ireland, while he and hs wife were refugeeing with the Pope and his refugee party. Our conversation was mostly on his fight in Schafstedt, Germany. The streets in northern Germany were just as infested with Zombies as the other cities had been; from the way Philip explanied it. Philip was supposed to save the civilians by holding the line were the Zombies were attacking, but just like every other soldier i've interviewed, the Zombies out numbered them. Orders from the higher ranks, specifically General Lang, told Philip and his men to fall back north and to leave the civilians all for themselves. The unique thing about Philip is that he didn't just let the civilans lives slip his mind like other soldiers would, but instead he called out Lang for committing murder. Once he and his men were FORCED to leave the civilians behind, Lang shot himself at point blank range. If I was Adler I'd b pretty pissed! Wouldn't you?

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